"Ik begrijp nu waarom mijn aanvankelijk enthousiasme zo snel weer verdween wanneer ik weer eens een programma voor fitness of gezonde voeding volgde. Hoewel ik in het begin wat terughoudend was, heeft wat ik wat ik geleerd van Patricks coaching, en wat ik van hem heb geleerd over voeding, welzijn en de werking van ons lichaam, mijn leven op een zeer positieve wijze veranderd."

Mark McAnally, 65

Financial Controller

"You have introduced me to the power of resistance training and it has changed my life.
You have been een inspiration for so many people. You rock."

Louise Parrot.


"Finally, a book and coaching that continues where most other
fitness and nutrition books and coaching leave off.

His book and coaching explain step-by-step how to move from intention to result.

Patrick's contagious enthusiasm comes through in an
uncomplicated manner, starting with your mind;
the foundation for lasting lifestyle changes."

Jim Mavity, 66
accountant, retired

"Patrick's book and coaching are for people who notice the effects of aging such as weight gain, sore back and no energy!
I want to enjoy the years ahead in het best shape with optimal energy and brain health to remain alert and focused.
His book and coaching are my guides."

Gunta Towsley,74
Consultant, retired

Patricks presentation "The First Wealth is Your Health" was en eye-opener for many
with an inspiring call to action to take care of our health and get the best out of your life."

"Your presentation was very fascinating, especially telling us how the brain is affected by mood and food.
The members found your talk inspiring and motivating to improve the quality of their lives.
We felt your book "Brain and Body Fit After Forty" would benefit our family
and so we bought extra copies! Your message needs to be spread widely."

Probus Club Muskoka North, Huntsville, Ontario

“Patrick kan als coach veel betekenen voor andere mensen, zijn tips en adviezen zijn zo praktisch en heel herkenbaar.
Veel meer waard dan de twee gesprekken die wij samen hadden bij de psycholoog.
We zijn er nog niet maar we hebben al zoveel ervan opgestoken, nu blijven oefenen!!!”
